Silambam Mastery
Yoga Dhyana
Yoga Dhyana
Yoga Dhyana
Through the practice of one-directional flow of the mind, Ekatanata, or concentration, meditation will begin to follow naturally if time is given to it. Meditation is absolute, it is where we can go beyond time, space, conditions and limitations, allowing our individual core of consciousness to expand and connect with the infinite universal consciousness. The ancient sages described meditation as yoking with nature, as they conceived the infinite universe to be part of the nature of life, death and beyond.
Enlightenment, Bliss State of Oneness
This is the ultimate of yoga, and it is the culmination of the previous seven limbs. Samadhi transcends meditation; which it is a state of absolute liberation and bliss in which nothing is needed, desired or required as the self has merged all.
To truly practise ANY type of Yoga, we need to endeavour to incorporate all eight limbs; to practise the physical aspects, which are the asanas and Prāṇāyāma, and to strive to live the actions of yoga, yama, niyama, Pratyāhara, dharana and Dhyana. This requires complete understanding of true nature of yoga and practice of all the eight limbs of yoga, not just the asanas.
Silambam Asia (SILA) is in official partnership with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGS) to preserve and safeguard the Indian traditional arts, sports, cultural, and educational content of Silambam at the international level.
Silambam Asia plays active roles as an international organization for governance and sustainable development in the Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination of all these related information. Thus, it is vital to provide expertise for members by providing training, research, revive, rejuvenate, retain, and restore.
The mission of Silambam Asia as an umbrella organization of the World Silambam Association (WSA) is to provide effective international governance by constantly improving technical rules and regulating Silambam competitions or participation in international events or sporting arenas to be recognized as an Olympic and Paralympic sport in the near future.
Silambam Asia - Introduction
Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination.
Video content with development work, achievements and silambam history.
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