Silambam Mastery

Remedies Ear Ache

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Remedies Ear Ache.

Remedies Ear Ache

Ear Ache

    Created by: Guruji Murugan Chillayah.
    Published: 14 June 2016 (Tue)
    Last Updated: 20 March 2025 04:30 AM (GMT+8)

Ear Ache Treatment


• Earache arises due to any inflammation or swelling inside the ear • It is a common condition amongst children • In severe cases, earache can lead to hearing loss Symptoms to look for:

• Sharp or dull pain in ear • Itching sensation • Ringing or buzzing sound • Hearing loss • Swelling Causes:

• Injury to the ear canal • Moisture inside the ear • Blockage of the Eustachian tube due to: o Environmental smoke o Allergies o Infection o Deposition of wax o During a flight o Constant exposure to loud sounds Natural home remedy using garlic and mustard oil:

1. Take 2 cloves of garlic 2. Add 2 tsp mustard oil 3. Mix and heat till garlic turns black 4. Allow the oil to cool 5. Put 2-3 drops of the oil inside the affected ear • Garlic's analgesic properties help relieve the pain Natural home remedy using basil leaves:

1. Crush few basil leaves 2. Press them on a sieve and extract juice 3. Strain the juice using a fine strainer 4. Pour 2 drops of this juice in the infected ear Tips:

• Chew gum or yawn to avoid earache on flights. This contracts the muscles and opens up the Eustachian tubes

Home Remedies & Natural Treatment For Ear Ache

Ear Ache 1

The taste of pudding is in the eating itself - similarly one who has gone through the traumatic experience of an ear ache knows the diabolic effect of such a disease. But what causes ear ache? There are a number of causes for ear ache. Middle ear infection often causes ear ache. Another common cause is called the swimmer's ear because such ear ache with redness of the outer ear is commonly seen in swimmers. Development of fluid in the ear can also cause ear ache. This is caused by infection or blockage of the Eustachian tube. Sometimes drastic changes in the pressure of the atmosphere can cause ear ache. They occur during flight, or scuba diving or while mounting steep climb on a hill. Now just as very problem has a solution very disease has a remedy and if it is natural it is most welcome.

Ear Ache Natural Treatment - Effective Home Remedies for Ear Ache

Listed below are some very effective home remedies for Ear Ache. One can opt from any of the below mentioned remedies according to his discretion.

■ Vitamin C taken internally is a very good supplement to increase the immune system of the body and thereby prevent ear ache. The natural sources of Vitamin C are found in guava, lemon, capsicum orange and tomato. Vitamin C has the natural supply of antibiotics and anti histamine properties which only reduces ache but also helps control fever and inflammation.

■ Zinc again is an effective remedy for ear ache. It must be taken internally from natural sources like the cashew nets, wheat germ, pine nuts, pecan nuts etc. They can be had raw or sprinkled over salad in a semi crushed form.

■ Echinacea that is free of alcohol is also very good for ear ache.

■ Mix Lobelia oil and olive oil together. Drop a few drops in the ear and plug it with a plug of cotton this will help alleviating the pain.

■ Aconite a homeopathic remedy free of side effects can be taken when the earache is triggered after exposure to very cold temperature.

■ Warm compress near the ear that is clogged and throbbing reduces pain and discomfort very quickly.

■ A clove of garlic is added to a teaspoon full of sesame oil. It is then warmed on fire. In a lying position drip two to three drops in the affected ear and allow it to stay there for at least ten minutes. Hopefully the ear ache will be gone soon.

■ Grind some basil leaves. Warm the paste mildly and squeeze four drops or so in the infected aching ear. Hopefully it will cure ear ache effectively.

■ Warm mango leaves, extract the juice out of these leaves. Pour a few drops in the infected ear and allow it to remain over night. It will work wonder in curing ear ache.

■ A very ancient and time tested remedy is pouring few drops of warm mustard oil into the infected ear and allow it to remain there. This is a sure and effective remedy against ear ache.

■ Swimmers also develop ear aches due to exposure to the water. Red external ear with flakes and ear ache is a common system. In such cases prevention is better than cure. It is advisable for them to add a few drops of mineral oil to their ears before going into the water. The swimmers’ ear syndrome will not develop.

■ While climbing heights be it while traveling in an airplane or climbing a steep climb or trekking clogged ear and ear ache can occur. In that case chewing some candy or gum will release the pressure from the clogged ear and in the process relieve ear ache.

■ Sometimes people are allergic to dietary food supplements like the milk , cheese etc. this at times causes ear ache. It is better to abstain from such triggers if one is vulnerable to such products.

■ Mix three parts of white vinegar and a part of alcohol. Drip two to three drops of the liquid in the ear for instant relief from ear ache.

■ Add apple cider vinegar easily available in the departmental stores to equal parts of rubbing alcohol. Fill a dropper and drip the mixture in the ear canal until it is filled. Allow it to be there for five to ten minutes. The procedure must be repeated three times a day until the ear ache is relieved.

■ Castor oil can be warmed and a drop or two is poured into the infected ear. A cotton plug is then placed to seal the liquid inside. This can be continued twice a day for a day or two until the ear ache is alleviated.

■ A cap full of hydrogen peroxide if poured into the ear and is allowed to remain there for a minute or two and there after drained out is also an effective remedy for ear ache.

    NOTE : The intention of this article is only for information. It is not a substitute to any other standard medical diagnosis. For proper treatment, always consult a qualified Ayurvedic physician.

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