Silambam Mastery
Yoga Rudraksha
Bahasa Melayu : Biji Rudraksha (Ganitri/Ganitrus) / Malayalam : രുദ്രാക്ഷം (Rudrakshaṁ) / Telugu : రుద్రాక్ష (Rudraksha) / Français : Le Rudraksha
Rudraksha Benefits
Rudraksha Mukhi & Benefits
Courtesy : This page designed with comprehensive details by Guruji Murugan, for easy understanding.
The following are the information for the various mukhi Rudrakshas.
1 Mukhi
ChandrakaraNotes Ruling God Shiva (Direct of form of Him)
Ruling Planet Sun Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Namah
Those who wear it on their person the following mantra should be recited 108 times daily with devotion and punctuality.
OM HREEM NAMAH ||- Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya"
- Mantra from Padma Purana -' Om Rudra'
- Mantra from Shiva purana - 'Om Hreem Namah'(So this above are different mantra for One mukhi rudraksha Described in Different Hindu Supreme book and Script 'Purana' and Mythology Book for 'Rudraksha' God shiva).
The One Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of UKAR i.e. which is formless, depthless, shadow less, Godhood, Supreme Truth and Attainment of Eternity who has created this entire world. It belongs to Shiva UKAR and keeps the balance of the entire universe.
It is a divine gem. 1 Mukhi Rudraksha is the most auspicious bead. Sun or Surya the center of the Solar system around which all the planets revolve represents one mukhi. It controls the malefic effects of Sun and cure diseases of the right eye, head, ear, bowel and bones. Psychologically the confidence, charisma, leadership qualities and prosperity of the person increase as the Sun is pleased with the wearer. Single mukhi is most sought after Rudraksha. These are extremely rare and are one of the most costly beads. It can bring you immense power, wealth, luxuries, fame, massive confidence boost and spiritual enrichment. This bead often carries an auspicious sign of signifying a connection with Lord Shiva. This is the best among all other seed. This is the mother of all other forms of Sead. These gives all the worldly pleasures and then helps one attain perfection in after life. It is said that where single faced is worshipped, that place is always full of riches and goddess Lakshmi has special grace on such places. This is the symbol of lord Rudra. It bestows all prosperity on the devotees. Such a Bead is obtained by the grace of Lord Rudra only.
Represents Lord Shiva and its possessor is blessed with divine powers of Lord Shiva. The possessor of this rare Bead is blessed with unexpected wealth, and all his desires are fulfilled. 1 mukhi Rudraksha is capable to cure the chronic asthma and TB.
2 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Ardhanareeshwar ( a joint image of the Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati (Shakti) )
Ruling Planet Moon Beeja Mantra Om Namah
OM SHREM HREEM KSHOUMA UVEERM OM ||Mantra for Two mukhi Rudraksha are as follows :-
- Main Mantra - “Om nama shivaya"
- Mantra from Shiva Purana - "Om Namah"
- Mantra from Padma Purana - "Om Khum"
(So this above are different mantra for Two mukhi rudraksha Described in Different Hindu Supreme book and Script "Purana" and Mythology Book for 'Rudraksha' God shiva).Being capable of getting riches and virtuous off springs by wearing two faced Rudraksha.
It is associated with Ardhanareeswar, i.e., Shiva and Shakti.
God shiva and mata parvati in single body form is known as Ardhanareshwor.
2 mukhi rudraksh has the ruling planet MOON. They effectively control the malefic effects of Moon and diseases of the left eye, kidney, intestines etc. Emotionally, there is harmony in relationships. This bead helps in developing harmonious relationships. The moon is the ruling influence and hence it can greatly help in controlling negative traits like anger, frustration and lack of concentration. Possessor of this Rudraksh gets the blessings of Ardhnarishwar, another incarnation of Lord Shiva. It is very suitable for the devotees of Lord Shiva and provides them with mental peace and spiritual progress. Two faced Rudraksh signifies lord Rudra and his consort Parvati. Vaishanavas regard it as the symbol of lord Vishnu. Thus it is regarded as sacred by both the sections, the Vaishnavaites and the Shaivates. The wearer of this bead gets all his desires fulfilled and he also attains the peace of mind. This also helps in meditation and attainment of spiritual merit becomes easier, if one wears it. It is said that if worn by pregnant ladies it ensures painless delivery without complications. Patient sufferings from sleeplessness and nightmares also get relief by putting a bead of this bead under their pillow. Such a person also remain free from the harmful influences of evil spirits. If it is difficult to obtain two faced. A few beads of other types of Rudraksh can also be used. 2 mukhi destroys sins and helps wearer reach the heaven.
3 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Agni
Ruling Planet Mars Beeja Mantra Om Kleem Namah The rosary should be kept in hand and after reciting the following mantra for 108 times the rosary should be worn. OM AM BAM TRAIVAKTRASYA | OM RAIM HOOM HREEM HOOM OM || - Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya" and "Om shree Agni Devaya nama" - Mantra from Shiva Puran - "Om Kleem Namah" - Mantra from Padma Puran - "Om Om namah" Symbol of Three Deva i.e. (Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesha). Best for those who have fallen prey to inferiority complex or fear stricken and suffer from self hatred or mental strain. 3 - Third Type Rudraksha - 3rd Type is known as three mukhi rudraksha, Rudraksha three mukhi is direct Form of God Agni. God Agni is Representation of heat and Fire. Worshipping Three mukhi rudraksha or Wearing Three mukhi there is Presence of God Agni along with god shiva. Hence ,The worshipping of god fire(God Agni) as Three mukhi rudraksha, All Yagya,homa will be sucess.Yagya,Homa is very big hindu Puja or worship Done Only by Firing and offering to Fire. 3 mukhi rudraksh has the ruling planet Mars, malefic effects are disease of blood, blood pressure, weakness, disturbed menstrual cycle, kidney etc. Depression, negative and guilty feelings, inferiority complexes can be lessened by wearing this mukhi. The three mukhi is worn to boost the self-confidenceand to counter depressions. It also provides physical strengths and helps in cure of several diseases. It also wards off ill-luck and tensions and can help purify all sins. Three faced Rudraksh symbolises lord Agni - the fire god. This destroys ill luck, if worn regularly. It bestows health, wealth and knowledge too. If a rosary made of 108 beads is worn, sins of even earlier births are destroyed. One obtains health and one becomes free from diseases, killing of Brahman, woman and other grace sins are destroyed by wearing a rosary of 3 faced Rudraksh. All the merits obtained from the worship of fire god, are attained by wearing a rosary of three faced Rudraksh. The wearer becomes free from all diseases and he becomes like a true brahmin. He enemies are vanquished. He does not suffer any loss from fire. He is also protected from arms and weapons. Three mukhi rudraksha is very effective for jaundice. Its wearer always remain healthy and active.
4 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Brahma
Ruling Planet Mercury Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Namah OM HREEM CHATURVAKTRASYA | OM VAM KAM THAM HAM EE || - Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya" and "Om Shree Brahma devaya nama" - Mantra from Padma Puran - " Om Hreem" - Mantra from Shiva puran - " Om Hreem Namah" Symbol of four Veda. The power of Brahma exists in its whole effectiveness and Divinity. It increases wit and intelligence. In mythology it represents Goddess Saraswati and Brahma. 4 - Fourth Type Rudraksha - 4th Type is known as Four mukhi Rudraksha,Rudraksha four mukhi is Direct form of God Brahma. In Hindu Religion god brahma is worshipped by two supreme name ,the two name are "Prajapati" and "Brahma Dev" . God Brahma is Creator of Entire world ,Hence he is also worship in hindu religion as Shristi Karta or Guru Brahma. 4 mukhi rudraksh beads for education and concentration. The ruling planet is Mercury, representing Goddess Saraswati and Brahma. Malefic effects of Mercury include intellectual dullness, lack of grasping and understanding power, difficulty in effective communication and also neurotic conditions of the mind. This mukhi nullifies the malefic effects of Mercury and pleases Goddess Saraswati. It also governs logical and structural thinking. This bead helps achieve a healthy mind and body. It can help increase mental power, intelligence, knowledge, concentration and knowledge. It can also increase sexual power and attractiveness. It is used for making one more sought after by the opposite sex. This symbolises lord Brahma. If the Rudraksh is boiled in milk and that milk is taken for 20 days. It gives knowledge and clarity of mind, it is said by wearing it, and the ill evil thoughts arising in one's mind are destroyed. This Rudraksh is especially important for the students and scholars. All types of learning become easier to the wearer of this. Such a person gains deep insight and perceives the secrets of religion easily. Lord Rudra is very much pleased with four mukhi wearer.
5 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Kal Agni Rudra
Ruling Planet Jupiter Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Namah OM HRAM PANCHA VAKTRASYA | OM HREEM AAM KSHAMYOM SWAHA || - Main Mantra - “Om nama shivaya" - Mantra from shiva puran - "Om Hreem Namah" - MAntra from Padma Puran - “Om Hoom Namah" - Mantra from Skand Puran - "Om hreem Hoom Namah" Symbol of Five Pandava. It is the form of Rudra named Kaalagni. Controls five elements i.e. Agni (fire), Jal (water), Vaayu (Air), Aakash(sky), Prithvi(Earth) in the body of the wearer therefore kills all diseases in all the weathers. It is associated with Kalagni Rudra, i.e., lord Shiva. 5 - Fifth Type Rudraksha - 5th Type is known as Five mukhi Rudraksha, Rudraksha Five mukhi is Direct Form of Kalagni Rudra. Kalagni Rudra is Anger form of god shiva. Worshipping and Wearing Five mukhi Rudraksha can please even anger form of God shiva.Those who worship Five mukhi Rudraksha ritually never get angry . The Anger form of God shiva more than Death is known as Kalagni. 5 mukhi rudraksh has the ruling planet Jupiter. This mukhi is used to sublimate the malefic effects of Jupiter such as lack of peace, poverty, lack of harmony etc. This bead has several uses. It helps attain success in all walks of life and gain knowledge, wealth, power, fame and achieve goals. It is also very often used in the cure of several diseases. It is a very sought after bead that can actually help you achieve happiness and eternal bliss. It also represents Lord Shiva and is very effective in the elimination your enemies. All five Brahmas are pleased with the devotee who wears it. Lord Rudra also give success in all the efforts made by such a devotee. Diseases do not come near the wearer of it. five who wears these five faced Rudraksh obtains all kind of riches and prosperity. Persons suffering from high blood pressure get relief by wearing these but five should select them very carefully, or better they take the help of experts. It helps in diseases pertaining to lungs, heart and blood.
6 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Kartikeya
Ruling Planet Venus Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Hum Namah OM HOOM SHADHA VASTRASYA | OM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM SHOWM YAM || - Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya" - Mantra from Padma Puran - "Om Hroom" - Mantra from Skand Puran - "Om Hreem Namah" Related to Six Darshan. It keeps the anger, jealousy, excitation under control in the body of the wearer. It increases the nutritious elements of the Body resulting in the creation of new cosmic powers (Devi Shakti). 6- Sixth Type Rudraksha - 6th Type is known as Six mukhi Rudraksha, Rudraksha Six mukhi is direct Form of God Kumar. God Kumar Name are Muruga, Skanda Kumara as well Kumar Kartikeya. God Kumar is elder son of God shiva and mata parvati. God Kumar is Supreme god of Intelligent and Bravery. Associated with lord Murugan or Kartikeya, the son of lord Shiva. 6 mukhi rudraksha has the ruling planet Venus. Venus governs genital organs throat, valour, sexual pleasure, love, music etc. This bead enriches the career path and helps you achieve immense professional and academic success. It helps you fulfill dreams and lead a very luxurious life. This is regarded as the symbol of Kartikeya, the six faced son of lord Rudra and moher Sharada. He is the younger brother of lord Ganesha. Men should wear this Rudraksh is the right hand and woman should wear in the left hand. This confers knowledge of the very highest kind. This helps women in diseases like hysteria and other mental illness. Those interested in tantra also gets benefit by it. It also helps students and businessmen. It represents Lord Kartikeya. Its possessor attains complete success in the business and earns great wealth. Six mukhi rudraksha is beneficial in the cure of epilepsy and all women related problems.
7 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Mahalaxmi
Ruling Planet Saturn Beeja Mantra Om Hum Namah The following mantra should be recited 550 times before wearing it OM HRA SAPTA VAKTRASYA | OM HRAM KREEM HREEM SHAUM || - Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya" - Mantra from Shiva Purana - “Om Hum Namah" - Mantra from Padma Purana - “Om Hrah" - Mantra from Skanda Purana - "Om Hreem Namah" Related to Seven Seas. Symbol of Anang (Ananga) Shiva. It represents Goddess Maha Laxmi. Good health and wealth is blesses to him who wears Seven Faced Rudraksha. 7 - Seven Type Rudraksha - 7th Type is known as Seven mukhi Rudraksha. Rudraksha seven mukhi is direct symbol of God of Seven Rishi (Saint-Sages) as well Seven mukhi rudraksha is Form of Seven mother goddess (Sapta Matrika).
Associated with lord Ananga. 7 mukhi bead governs Saturn, the all powerful Shani Bhagwan. When worn it sublimates the malefic effects of Shani and its disease like, impotency, cold, obstructions, hopelessness, delay, chronic disease, scarcity, worry etc. The seven mukhi helps in building finances and amassing wealth. It can help attain prosperity and peace of mind. It is considered very auspicious because it helps ward off fatal diseases and death and achieve longevity. This Rudrakshs symbolises the seven great rishis. Wearer of this gets wealth, fame and spiritual knowledge. IT is said that poverty and wants never touch its wearer. According to the Vaishnava traditions, it represents Avanta (Shesha), the king of serpents. Each face represents one great serpent. These serpents are Anantha, Kakata, Pundarika, takshak, Visholban, Karisha and shankhachuda. These very powerful serpents live in each face. Snakes never harass the wearer of this Rudraksh. The lord of serpents, Shiva has special grace on the wearer. Due to grace of lord Shiva such a person is not affected by sins. Such a person gets all the merits befitting goals by wearing 7 mukhi rudraksh bead.
8 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Ganesh
Ruling Planet Rahu Beeja Mantra Om Hum Namah OM KAM ASTA VAKTRASYA | OM HRAM GREEM LAM AM SHREE || - Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya" - Mantra from shiva puran - "Om Hum Namah" - Mantra from Padma puran - "Om Sah Hoom Namah" - Mantra from Skand Puran - "Om Kam Vam namah" It is like eight mountains and has power of mountains. It is the second form of reflection of the first son of Lord Ganesh and is one who is worshipped prior to other gods. 8 - Eight Type Rudraksha - 8th Type is known as Eight mukhi Rudraksha. Rudraksha Eight mukhi is direct symbol of God Ganesha. Ganesh is Small Son of God shiva and mata parvati. Ganesh is Supreme God Of entire Universe.Ganesh is god of Education, Success, Siddhi (Purify). Associated with lord Ganesha, the son of lord Shiva. 8 Mukhi Rudraksh Ruling planet is Rahu hence helpful in sublimating it's malefic effects. It's malefic effects are similar to that of Shani or Saturn This bead increases the strength of character and mind and help achieve happiness, fame, good health and increase confidence. It is said to represent lord Ganesha. The elephant headed benign god, the son of lord Shiva and Parvati has special grace on the wearer of it. By wearing it on one's person all the pleasures increase and all the difficulties diminish. This is especially USED IN WORSHIP AND RITUALS. Wearers of this get long life and they become truthful. Such a person is born free of diseases, wise and knowledgeable any obstacle in his tasks. Such persons have special ability and talent in studies. They shall remain away from sin. It provides mental concentration. It specially useful for the business community. It is also helpful in betting, horse racing and lotteries etc.
9 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Durga
Ruling Planet Ketu Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Hum Namah THE MANTRA FOR WEARING RUDRAKSHA OM JHAM NAVA-VAK-THRASYA | OM HREEM VAM YAM RUM LAM || - Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya" and "Sarva Shakti Maha maya divya gyana Swarupini Nawadurge Jagatmantar pranamati muhur muhur" - Mantra from Shiva puran - "Om Hreem Namah" - Mantra from Padma Puran - "Om Sum" Related to Nau Kuli Naag (Nine Cobra). It is the form of the Goddess Durga (Shakti). It contains the power of Nine Deities. By wearing nine faced Rudraksha the man gets blessings from Durga Shakti, the Supreme Mother. 9 - Ninth Type rudraksha - 9th Type is known as Nine mukhi Rudraksha.Rudraksha Nine mukhi is Direct Symbol of Goddess Navadurga (Nine Goddess).Nine Goddess Durga is Nine Form of Mata Parvati. The nine or Nawadurga name are - Shailaputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kusmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kali Kalratri, Mahagauri and Siddhidatri.Nine Durga is Powerful Goddess in entire universe and Goddess of Education, Affection, Education, Success. Associated with lord Bhairav, the incarnation of lord Shiva. 9 mukhi rudraksh signifies nine forms of Maa Durga. The ruling planet is Ketu which is similar in it's effects to planets like Rahu and Shani. This mukhi controls malefic effects of Ketu. The malefic effects cause mental fatigue, lack of energy to materialize thoughts, failures etc. This can help amass wealth, property, assets and lead a luxurious life and help fulfill dreams and ambitions. It makes you more energised and more action oriented. This jointly represents Bhairava yama (lord of death) and sage Kapila. This is usually worn in left hand during te sacred occasion of Navratri to obtain blessings of mother goddess Durga. Mother Durga is the bestower of wealth, prosperity, pleasures of family life and also she grants the boon for fulfilling all one's desires. Those who wear it also obtain grace of Bhairava. They are benefited by the power of Bhairava. He obtains honour like the king of gods Indra and he also gets boon from lord Ganesha. The wearer of Nine faced rudraksha is freed from the fear of death. The possessor is blessed with all kinds of fame, respect and success related to spiritual progress.
10 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Vishnu (a.k.a Janardhan -represents the 10 incarnations.)
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Namah The rosary of beads should be taken in hands. Thereafter the following mantra should be recited 108 times then it should be worn. This should be worn in neck. OM AKSHAM DASH VAKTRASYA | OM SHREEM HREEM KLEEM GREEM OM || Main Mantra - "Om Nama shivaya" and "Om namo vagvate vasudevaya Nama" - Mantra from Shiva puran - "Om Hreem Namah Namah" - Mantra from Padma Puran - "Om Ksheem" It is related to Laxmi Narayana and represents all the ten embodiments of him. It helps the wearer to overcome difficult times and ensures that the wearer and the family of the wearer is protected. 10 - Tenth Type Rudraksha - 10th Type is known as Ten mukhi Rudraksha. Rudraksha Ten mukhi is Direct Symbol of God Narayan (Lord Vishnu) .God narayana Dash avatar (Ten avatar or incarnation) are Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Buddha, Kalki, Krishna, Ram, Vamana, Narasimha and Parshurama. God Vishnu is Supreme leader god of entire universe. God Vishnu is also known as Protecter and Guru of Universe. God vishnu is God of love,Affection,Power as well as he is only our Creation of Life and death.God krishna(vishnu) is also known as Supreme of Supreme,Love,Power,Saver,protecter,Bravery. Ten Mukhi Rudraksha mukhi has no ruling planets but represent Lord Mahvishnu the Great protector and Saviour of Mankind . The wearer gets a sense of security. The ten mukhi Rudraksh is very powerful and can help overcome fears develop a sound mind. It can help a person enjoy the benefits of life attain happiness and success. It also safeguards you against evil influences around you and gives a secure and protective feeling. This represents lord Vishnu. The wearer of this remains free of all the evil effects on inauspicious planets and all other evil spirits This is helpful in all respiratory diseases if taken with milk in parts form. This is very helpful in chronic cough and asthama. Its wearer is protected from all type of attacks from weapons. It has great importance in spiritual field. Ten mukhi rudraksha bead helps in the cure of whooping cough.
11 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Hanuman (Associated with Ekadasa Rudra, i.e., lord Shiva.)
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Hum Namah THE MANTRA FOR WEARING RUDRAKSHA OM SHREEM EKADASH VAKTRASYA | OM RAM MAM YAM OM || - Main mantra - "Om nama shivaya" and "Om shree hanumante namah" - Mantra From shiva Puran - "Om Hreem Hum Namah" - Mantra from Padma Puran - "Om Shreem" This Rudraksha belongs to Eleventh Rudra i.e. Lord hanuman ji and has power of mountains. It destroys thousands of enemies and protects the wearer from all tantric effects. 11 - Eleven Type Rudraksha -11th type is known as Eleven mukhi Rudraksha. Rudraksha Eleven mukhi is Direct Symbol of God Hanuman(Bagarang Bali).God Hanuman is also known as God as Supreme Bravery and Intelligence in Entire Universe.God Hanuman is also Known as Ram duta Hanuman(Ram sevak or God ram devotee). God Hanuman is Son of god Pawan (God of Air) and goddess Anjani. 11 mukhi rudraksh is the symbol of Indra, the lord of the gods. It has combined powers of eleven gods stored within. This shoulds be kept in a safe place of worship or with the jewellery etc or in a safe box. This enhances the wealth and prosperity. This grants long life to the husbands of the wearers. This helps in getting desired son or daughter, also one gets the love and affection of the desired person by its grace. It is believed that eleven Rudras live in its eleven faces. This should always be worn at the top of the head. This s capable of giving instant results. Its wearer get the merits of one thousand horse sacrifices and gifts of one thousand cows to the brahmins. Such a person lives in this world like lord Shiva and he is not born again. It has a great importance for women. It bestows their husbands with great luck and long life. The issue less women are blessed with child by possessing 11 mukhi rudraksha.
12 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Sun (Associated with Aditya, i.e., Sun)
Ruling Planet Sun Beeja Mantra Sraum Raum Surya Namah / Aum Kraum / Om Kraum Srum Raum Namah THE MANTRA FOR WEARING IT Before wearing the rosary of this Rudraksh, the following mantra should be recited 1008 times, while keeping the rosary in hands. Only after reciting the mantra, the rosary should be worn. OM HREEM DVADASH VAKTRASYA | OM SHREEM DHDUPI SHREEM || - Main mantra - "Om Nama shivaya” and "Om sri surya devaya Nama" - Mantra from Shiva puran - “Om Kroam Kshoam Roam Namah" - Mantra from Padma Puran - "Om Hreem" Belongs to Twelve Panth. It is the Centre of Brilliancy and Luster and Radiance and Strength of 12 forms of the God The Sun SURYA. 12 - Twelve Type Rudraksha – 12th type is known as Twelve Mukhi Rudraksha.Rudraksha Twelve mukhi is Direct Form of God Surya (God Sun). God Surya is powerful Vedic god and visible god in universe.God Surya is God of Heat, Supreme, Love, Affection as well as Planetary Vedic God. 12 mukhi rudraksh also symbolises lord Vishnu. Sun god is always kind to the wearer of this Rudraksh, such a person always enjoys wealth, prosperity and worldly pleasures. All twelve ADITYAS are said to be having their abodes in each of twelve faces. The wearer obtains the merits of gifting the cows. Such is person is protected again. All kinds of arms and weapons and he does not come to any harm through fire. He is free from diseases and sickness. He enjoys great wealth and happiness. He becomes free of all the sins. The effects of this Rudraksh are similar to those of the one mukhi. It helps realise dreams and achieve goals. Should be worn by people wanting to attain influential and powerful positions. It is an extremely blessed bead and provides protection against many evils and perils. The bead is said to increase your charisma and charms. It is a divine incarnation lord Vishnu and is rarely found. For vitality and an attractive personality one has to wear it lifelong. Twelve mukhi rudraksha is also representative of the Sun.
13 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Indra / Associated with lord Kartikeya, the son of lord Shiva.
Ruling Planet Venus Beeja Mantra Om Hreem Namah THE MANTRA FOR WEARING RUDRAKSHA It is proper to take the Rudraksh is hand first and then the following mantra should be recited 432 times. Thereafter it should be worn in neck. OM KSHOM TRAYO-DASA-VAK-TRASYA | OM EE YAM APA OM || - Main Mantra - "Om nama shivaya”, "Om shree Indra devaya Nama" and "Om shree kamdevaya Nama" - Mantra from shiva puran - "Om Hreem Namah Namah" - Mantra from Padma Puran - "Om Kshaum" - Mantra from Skand Puran - "Om Kshayem Staum Namah" Belongs to Thirteen Ratna (Gems). The wearer of this Rudraksha becomes intelligent, powerful, free from diseases, good spouse, sons and daughter. 13 - Thirteen type Rudraksha - 13th Type is known as Thirteen Mukhi Rudraksha. Rudraksha Thirteen mukhi is Direct Form of God Kamdev and God Indra. God Kamdev is known as God of work whereas God Indra is known as God of Heaven and King of God. God Kamdev is Supreme Hindu god of universe, Success and work which we do in daily life etc. Where as God Indra is Supreme Vedic god of universe, king of Heaven (Swarga), God of Bravery, god of water. God Kamdev is also known as one of the form of god shiva himself. 13 mukhi rudraksha represents Lord Indra, the king of Devtas. Wearer is able to enjoy all the earthly pleasures and comforts at his disposal. This Rudraksh is also rare and difficult to get but has immense power. It helps attain moksha. It is often used to increase attractiveness and have hypnotic influences on others, who are smitten with your charms. It also helps attain a sound mind and body and enjoy the various luxuries of life. This signifies Vishvadevas. The wearer of this obtains all the pleasures of this world. It is an extremely auspicious happening of one wear a thirteen faced Rudraksh. This fulfills all the desires of the wearer and it brings good luck to him. Such a person remains away from sinful deeds and thoughts. All his worldly desires are fulfilled. Only lucky persons are able to get it. All your wishes can be fulfilled by possessing it. The possessor is blessed with complete manhood and all his physical weakness are cured by drinking the milk in which this has been boiled.
14 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Hanuman (Associated with lord Shiva. It also represents lord Hanuman, the incarnation of lord Shiva.)
Ruling Planet Saturn Beeja Mantra Om Namah THE MANTRA FOR WEARING RUDRAKSHA OM NAM CHATURDASH VAKTRASYS | OM PHAUM SPHE KHAPHARE HRIRTRON HAMSAPHRE || - Main mantra - "Om Nama shivaya" and "Om shree uma maheshswaraya Nama" - Mantra from Shiva Purana - “Om Namah" - Mantra from Padma Purana - "Om Nraam" - Mantra from Skanda Purana - "Om Dum Maam NAMAH" Belongs to Fourteen Vidhya (Art or skill). Wearer of this Rudraksha get success in all of his works. It makes the wearer sharp and intelligent. 14 - Fourteen type Rudraksha - 14th Type is known as Fourteen mukhi rudraksha. Rudraksha fourteen mukhi is direct form of God shiva himself. Fourteen mukhi Rudraksha is also known as First form of Rudraksha which originated from god shiva tears. Fourteen mukhi Rudraksha is worned by god shiva for the fist time when it originated. Fourteen mukhi is described and powerful form of God shiva and mata parvati Symbol. 14 mukhi rudraksh is one of the best beads with ruling planet is Saturn, this mukhi is helpful in opening the third eye chakra which governs clairvoyance, sharpened skills, heightened state of awareness etc. It symbolises lord Shiva and also lord Hanuman. This is helpful in many diseases. This enhances all the pleasures of life and if worn on the arms or on the top of the head, such a wearer is honoured by gods even. A very powerful Rudraksh not very readily available. Very few sources of Rudrakshs have the original powerful beads. Fourteen mukhi helps combat the obstacles in life and emerge victorious in the most trying situations. It can help you achieve positions of power and authority and develop a strong sixth sense but demands utmost care and attention. It can actually help you achieve more than you could have ever conceived for yourself. A very powerful bead, but very few good quality beads exist.
15 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Lord Pashupati
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Om Namah Shivaya Related to fifteen tithi (i.e.; Indian calendar dates). Wearer get success on all the seven days of the week in his all ventures. He attains power and success in all of his works.
16 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Victory
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Om Namah Shivaya Related to Sixteen Kala (i.e.; attainments and Siddhi). Invokes 16 Kala of Moon in the wearer and opens the passage of 16 attainments. He attains 16 Siddhis and attainments.
17 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Vishvakarma
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Om Namah Shivaya Related to Mother Seeta. Gives the wearer all kind of comforts, leisure and happiness. It provides the wearer with Gold.
18 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Mother Earth
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Om Namah Shivaya related to Eighteen types of Vanaspati (herbs) in the Body. Protects the wearer from all kinds of evils and problems and removes laziness and excessive sleep
19 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Lord Narayana
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Om Namah Shivaya Related to Lord Shiva, Goddess Parvati and Lord Ganesha. This Rudraksha provides comfort of money, wife, sons and daughters.
20 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Vishwasu Sadhu & Narayan
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Hidden Related to Vishwasu Sadhu Prani. Lord Shiva opens the power of truth for his words. It is a very powerful antidote for Saturn miseries.
21 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God Ek Alakh Niranjan that is Omkar / (Associated with lord Kubera, the God of unlimited eternal wealth.)
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Hidden Related to Ek Alakh Niranjan. It is the creator and do preservation of the universe.
22 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God None
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Hidden DATA
24 Mukhi
Notes Ruling God None
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra Hidden DATA
Notes Ruling God None
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra None DATA
Ganesh Gauri
Notes Ruling God None
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra None DATA
Gauri Shankar
Notes Ruling God Shiva & Parvati
Ruling Planet Moon Beeja Mantra Om Shree GauriShankaraya Namah Regarded the best for peace and comfort in the family. If a man worships Gauri Shankar at his worshipping place, the pain and suffering and other earthly obstacles are destroyed and the peace and pleasure of family are increased.
Gauri Shankar Ganesh
Notes Ruling God None
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra None DATA
Trijuti Tribhagi
Notes Ruling God None
Ruling Planet None Beeja Mantra None DATA
The mantra and Pooja for various Rudraksha
Just as each Rudraksha has affinity to a particular deity and planet, it also has a specific mantra. Before wearing the rudraksha, one must wash it in panchamruta (mixture of water, milk, curd, ghee and honey), perform Shiva Pooja and then recite the specific mantra 108 times. The Pooja can be performed on any Monday, or the particular day of the concerned planet or deity, or any special auspicious days – like Navaratris, Deepavali etc.
Rudraksha & Deities
Rudrakshas do not work any miracles. Different types of Rudrakshas are associated with different Gods and Goddesses according to our Scriptures. Wearing the specific Rudraksha while doing the Pooja or japa of the deity increases the results and also devotion/affinity for that deity. Every time it touches your chest you remember the deity and that what improves. The following are the different types of Rudrakshas and the deities associated with them.
Wearing Rudraksha for the First Time, Rudraksha beads / mala / jewelery may be purified and energized before wearing. Chanting of Rudra abhishek and Pranpratishtha mantra does make them purified and energized. Washing the Rudraksha beads and offering incense, sandal paste and other offerings brings in good thoughts within for beads/ mala/ jewelery. Ommrudraksha always performs all rituals before shipping any product. You need to directly wear the rudraksha on a morning after bath. Wearer can chant "Om Namah Shivaya" and the Seed mantra for the mukhis 9 times optionally. Chanting of the following mantra on a regular basis in your daily spiritual discipline energizes the beads.
Rudraksha Mantra
Common mantra for all rudraksha mukhis "Om Namah Shivaya"
Beej mantra for Individual Rudraksha beads. See if you spell out a mantra you will realize that there is a special movement of our mouth. In our Sanskrit language we have a lot of words which are difficult to spell out and from which all mantra are derived. As soon as production of voice takes place in throat, that voice gives birth to some amount of elecrtical energy. This electrical energy is very negligible hence we have to chant mantra for many times so negligance of energy gets minimise. This special kind of energy exites the inner as well as hidden power of the rudraksha in the form of electromagnetic waves or called it as electromagnetic power. It has been shown that Rudraksha Beads have electromagnetic properties and they affect Human Neuro physiology in different life supporting ways.
Scientifically the Rudrakasha beads are Dielectrical as they store electrical energy and posses Electromagnetic, Paramagnetic and Diamagnetic properties. It is indicated that the dielectric and magnetic properties of the Rudraksha seeds impart positive changes in the bioelectrical system of the human body in a life-supporting manner. As a result of this electrical makeup of our body changes in positive manner.
I understand that rudraksha can be worn by any individual. What is the need of mantra then.
I recently found that my friend who bought some rudraksha mala and rudraksha bracelet, did not like to keep the energization process before wearing that. He directly went to the shop chosen the proper beads and made a mala and bracelet. Then immediately he worn the mala and bead. His experiences are that it works without those puja and worshiping.
Rudraksha Beads is Supreme God Shiva Himself. In Hindu Supreme Book and mostly all Script had mention Mantra for Rudraksha Types. The different holy spirtual types of Rudraksha is also known as Rudraksha Mukhi.So Rudraksha mukhi or each types Represent Different Hindu god and goddess, along with god shiva presence in every rudraksha types with its mantra. Mantra is Process to recite or to please god. Mantra is sentence which is mostly found in ancient 1st Hindu language which is also known as 'Sanskrit'.
- Different beads of rudraksha have different powers.
- All these beads either suggest same effect of different effect.
- The beads are having all different mantra (some beads have same mantra) for chanting.
- The chanting of the mantra gives the beads power and bring energy to the wearer.
- One bead can have multiple mantra.
- No need to chant on all mantra. You can practice to chant any one mantra from the list.
- For example i give you mantra for 9 mukhi rudraksha as below.
"Om.. Hreem Namah" ( Shiva Purana )
"Om.. Hun Namah" ( Mantra Maharnava )
"Om.. Sum" ( Padma Purana )
"Om.. Hreem Veing Yun"
"Raim Liam"
"Mahamrityunjai Mantra" ( Brahajjalopanishad )
"Om.. Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam, Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityor Mukshiya Mamritat"
"Om.. Namah Shivaya"
Energized Rudraksha - Ritual / Process (Bidhi) To Energize Rudraksha beads.
Before wearing rudraksha, it is energized by different procedure for God shiva along with chanting and reciting rudraksha mantra. Before wearing and worshiping rudraksha, ritual ceremony, Hawan as well small / big puja is performed. Rudraksha is worn in auspicious day which are saturday, monday and thursday, a day of shiva.
Rudraksha mantra / origin mantra is chanted daily 11 time, 27 times, 54 times or 108 times which is suitable before wearing in morning and Before sleeping at night. So hence, rudraksha is better to remove at night time and keep safely in worshipping pooja room with god shiva.
Rudraksha can be worn in morning after having bath and reciting mantra. The mantra for each rudraksha Mukhi origin is given above with short article. So when going to worshiping room in morning oil, incense and bell is offered to god shiva and rudraksha together. Hence One should wear morning pouring onself.
Those who wear rudraksha should be vegeterian, one should NOT take alchohol / tell lies. One should go shiva temple to get blessing from shiva which is consider auspcious to go temple wearing rudraksha.
One Should NOT wear rudraksha in some one funeral ceremony and cremation grounds (cemetery). Rudraksha wearer should NOT touch to new born baby mother for few month (3-6 month). It is consider as unpure.
Men / women should NOT wear while having sexual relationship.
Women should NOT wear Rudraksha while having menstruation problem, after completing 7 days of menstruation problem women should take bath and can be use.
One should clean beads properly sometime, one should change thread of bead after 3-4 days. One should NOT give to be dirty, insect bitten and should NOT keep in unpure place. After brushing, one can bath rudraksha in panchamrit snan or holy water atleast for 3 minutes. Sometime keeping rudraksha in more in water can also harm rudraksha physical appearance and can turn black or dhushi.
After brushing, use some drop of pure oil for rudraksha.
Rudraksha is hot in nature, one should chant and recite Chandra Deva mantra to control and wear rudraksha or can keep Rudraksha in worshipping room. Chandra Deva mantra (Moon mantra) is "Om Shree Chandra Devaya Namah", One should remember Chandra Devta while reciting mantra.
The worshiper of the rudraksha is blessed with prosperity and health. The same peace and prosperity also blessed for the wearer. We just follow certain principles so that the blessings are there for long stretch of time. Rudraksha mantra will keep the beads full of high energy and there are better chances that the wearer feels the positive power for a long period of time.
Main Points to Energized Rudraksha - Conclusion.
1. One should offer to Guru, Priest and can get blessing before wearing rudraksha. Those who do not have Guru must offer to God shiva in temple considering God shiva as Guru, father.
2. One should recite Rudraksha mantra and Main mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" before wearing Rudraksha.
3. One should keep oneself and Rudraksha pure.
4. One should be vegeterian and chant god shiva to get enlightment and maximum benefits.
5. One should bath morning before wearing rudraksha.
6. Rudraksha should be worn after making few siddhi. Siddhi means the method of purification with mantra. We generally make prayers and simple custom rituals for self and bead sanctification.
7. Rudraksha Mantra and Rudraksha beeja Mantra is to be chanted 9 times while wearing for the first time. The rudraksha mantra can be chanted daily 9 times for better and more purification and power.
8. Daily it should be removed before going for sleep and can be worn next day morning.
9. If common rudraksha mantra "Om Namah Shivaya" can be chanted while again wearing next day, it is better.
Om nama shivaya
Hara Hara Mahadev
Om shree Rudraksha Devaya namah
Jay shree Pashupatinath
Rudraksha Mantra
Rudraksha Utpatti Mantra:
रुद्राक्ष उत्पत्ति मंत्र
अकल सकल सुमेरु की छाया शिव शक्ति मिल वृक्ष लगाया | एक डाल अगम को गई | एक डाल उत्तर को गई | एक डाल पश्चिम को गई | एक डाल दक्षिण को गई | एक डाल आकाश को गई | एक डाल पाताल को गई | उसी पेड़ के फल लगा रुद्राक्ष का |
एक मुखी रुद्राक्ष उकार को बरणे | दो मुखी रुद्राक्ष सूर्य चन्द्र को बरणे | तीन मुखी रुद्राक्ष तीन देवों को बरणे | चार मुखी रुद्राक्ष चार वेदों को बरणे | पांच मुखी रुद्राक्ष पांच पांडवों को बरणे | छः मुखी रुद्राक्ष छः दर्शनों को बरणे | सात मुखी रुद्राक्ष सात सायरों को बरणे | आठ मुखी रुद्राक्ष आठ कुली पर्वतों को बरणे | नौ मुखी रुद्राक्ष नौ कुली नाग को बरणे | दस मुखी रुद्राक्ष दस अवतारों को बरणे | ग्यारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष ग्यारह रुद्र शंकर को बरणे | बारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष बारह पंथों को बरणे | तेरह मुखी रुद्राक्ष तेरह रत्नों को बरणे | चौदह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चौदह विद्याओं को बरणे | पंद्रह मुखी रुद्राक्ष पंद्रह तिथियों को बरणे | सोलह मुखी रुद्राक्ष सोलह कलाओं को बरणे | सत्रह मुखी रुद्राक्ष सीता सतवंती को बरणे | अठारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष अठारह भार वनस्पति को बरणे | उन्नीस मुखी रुद्राक्ष शिव पार्वती गणेश को बरणे | बीस मुखी रुद्राक्ष विश्वासु मुनि साधु को बरणे | इक्कीस मुखी रुद्राक्ष एक अलख को बरणे |
हाथ बांधे हतनापुर का राज पावे, कान के बांधे कनकापुर का राज पावे, कंठ गले के बांधे सात द्विप का राज पावे, मस्तक के बांधे कैलाशपुरी का राज पावे | नहीं जाने रुद्राक्ष जाप अठ्ठत्तर गऊ का लागे पाप, बांधे रुद्राक्ष जाणे जाप जन्म जन्म का पाप समाप्त हो सी | रुद्राक्ष जाप समाप्त हुआ शिव ध्यान में दत्तात्रेय महाराज ने कहा |
Akal Sakal Sumeru Ki Chaayaa, Shiv Shakti Mil Vriksh Lagayaa | Ek Daal Agam ko gayi | Ek Daal Uttar ko gayi | Ek Daal Paschim ko gayi | Ek Daal Dakshin ko gayi | Ek Daal Aakash ko gayi | Ek Daal paataal ko gayi | Usi Ped ke fal lagaa Rudraksha Kaa |
Ek Mukhi Rudraksha Ukaar ko Barane | Do Mukhi Rudraksha Surya Chandra ko Barane | Teen Mukhi Rudrakhsa Teen Devo ko Barane | Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha Chaar Vedo ko Barane | Paanch Mukhi Rudraksha Paanch Paandavo ko Barane |Chah Mukhi Rudraksha Chah Darshano ko Barane | Saat Mukhi Rudraksha Saat Saayaron ko Barane | Aath Mukhi Rudraksha Aath Kuli Parvato ko Barane | Nau Mukhi Rudraksha Nau Kuli Naag ko Barane | Das Mukhi Rudraksha Das Avtaaro ko Barane | Gyaarah Mukhi Rudraksha Gyaarah Rudra Shankar ko Barane | Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha Baarah Pantho ko Barane | Terah Mukhi Rudraksha Terah Ratno Ko Barane | Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha Chaudah Vidyaaon ko Barane | Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha Pandrah Teethiyon ko Barane | Solah Mukhi Rudraksha Solah Kalaaon ko Barane | Satrah Mukhi Rudraksha Sita Satvanti ko Barane | Atthaarah Mukhi Rudraksha Atthaarah Bhaar Vanaspati ko Barane | Unnis Mukhi Rudraksha Shiv Parvati Ganesh ko Barane | Bees Mukhi Rudraksha Vishwasu Muni Saadhu ko Barane | Ikkis Mukhi Rudraksha Ek Alakh ko Barane|
Haath Baandhe Hatnaapur ka Raaj Paave, Kaan ke Baandhe Kankaapur ka Raaj Paave, Kanth gale ke Baandhe Saat Dvip ka Raaj Paave, Mastak ke Baandhe Kailaashpuri ka Raaj Paave | Nahi jaane Rudraksha Jaap Athattar Gau ka laage Paap, baandhe Rudraksha jaane jaap janm-janm ka paap samaapt ho si | Rudraksha jaap samaapt hua Shiv dhyaan me Dattatreya Maharaaj ne kahaa |
Rudraksha Shabar Mantra :
रुद्राक्ष शाबर मंत्र
सत नमो आदेश | गुरु को आदेश | ॐ गुरूजी | मुखे ब्रह्मा मध्ये विष्णु लिंग नाम महेश्वर सर्वदेव नमस्कारं रुद्राक्षाय नमो नमः | गगनमंडल में धुन्धुकारा पाताल निरंजन निराकार | निराकार में चर्ण पादुका, चर्ण पादुका में पिंडी, पिंडी में वासुक, वासुक में कासुक, कासुक में कूर्म, कूर्म में मरी, मरी में नागफणी, अलष पुरुष ने बैल के सींग पर राई ठहराई | धीरज धर्म की धूनी जमाई | वहां पर रुद्राक्ष सुमेर पर्वत पर जमाइये उसमे से फूटे ६ डाली |
एक गया पूर्व, एक गया दक्षिण, एक गया पश्चिम, एक गया उत्तर, एक गया आकाश, एक गया पाताल, उसमे लाग्या एक मुख रुद्राक्ष, श्री रुद्र पर चढ़ाइये | श्री ओंकार आदिनाथ जी को | दो मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये चन्द्र सूर्य को | तीन मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये तीन लोकों को | चार मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये चार वेदों को | पांच मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये पांच पांडवों को | छः मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये षट दर्शन को | सात मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये सप्त समुन्द्रों को | अष्ट मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये अष्ट कुली नागों को | नवमुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये नवनाथों को | दशमुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये दश अवतारों को | ग्यारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये ग्यारह रुद्र को | बारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये (सूर्य) बारह पंथ को | तेरह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये तैंतीस कोटि देवताओं को | चौदह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये चौदह भुवन (चौदह रत्नों) को | पंद्रह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये पंद्रह तिथियों को | सोलह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये सोलह श्रृंगार को | सत्रह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये श्री सीता माता को | अठारह मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये अठारह भार वनस्पतियों को | उन्नीस मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये अलष पुरुष को | बीस मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये विष्णु भगवान् को | इक्कीस मुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये इक्कीस ब्रह्माण्ड शिव को | निरमुखी रुद्राक्ष चढ़ाइये निराकार को | इतना रुद्राक्ष मंत्र सम्पूर्ण भया | श्रीनाथ जी के चरण कमल में आदेश | आदेश |
Sat Namo Aadesh | Guru ko Aadesh | Om Guruji | Mukhe Brahma Madhye Vishnu Ling Naam Maheshwar Sarvadev Namaskaram Rudrakshaay Namo Namah | Gagan Mandal me Dhundhukaraa Paataal Niranjan Niraakaar | Niraakaar me Charn Padkuka, Charn Padkua me Pindi, Pindi me Vaasuk, Vaasuk me Kaasuk, Kaasuk me Kurm, Kurm me Mari, Mari me Naagfani, Alash Purush ne Bail ke Sing par Raai Tharaai | Dheeraj Dharm ki Dhooni Jamai | Vahan par Rudraksha Sumer Parvat par Jamaaiye usme se fute Chah Daali |
Ek gaya Puva, Ek gaya Dakshin, Ek gaya Paschim, Ek gaya Uttar, Ek gaya Aakash, Ek gaya Paataal, usme laagyaa Ek Mukh Rudraksha, Shri Rudra par chadaaiye | Shri Omkar Aadi Nath ji ko | Do Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Chandra Surya Ko | Teen Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Teen Lokon ko | Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Chaar Vedo ko | Paanch Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Paanch Paandavo ko | Chah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Shat Darshan ko | Saat Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Sapt Samundro ko | Asht Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Asht Kuli Naago ko | NavMukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Navnaatho ko | DashMukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Dash Avtaaro ko | Gyaarah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Gyaarah Rudra ko | Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye (Surya) Baarah Panth ko | Terah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Teitees Devtaaon ko | Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Chaudah Bhuwan (Chaudah Ratno) ko | Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Pandrah Teethiyon ko| Solah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Solah Shringaar ko | Satrah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Shri Sita Mata ko | Atthaarah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Atthaarah Bhaar Vanaspatiyo ko | Unnis Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Alash Purush ko | Bees Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Vishnu Bahgwan ko | Ikkis Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Brahmand Shiv ko | Nirmukhi Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaaiye Nirakaar ko | Itna Rudraksha Mantra Sampoorn bhayaa | Shri Nathji ke Charan Kamal me Aadesh | Aaadesh |
Rudraksha Shabar Mantra
Mantra are Sanskrit-invocations of the Supreme Being. Reinforced and propelled by japa meditation, they pass from the verbal level through the mental and telepathic states, and on to pure thought energy. Of all languages, Sanskrit most closely approaches telepathic language because of its affinity to the fifty primeval sounds. It is the most direct way to approach the transcendental state.
Mantra cannot be concocted or tailor-made for the individual, despite some current claims. They have always existed in a latent state as sound energies. Just as gravity was discovered but not invented by Newton, Mantra were revealed to the ancient masters. They have been codified in the scriptures and handed down from guru to disciple. Although it is customary for the guru when giving initiation to accept voluntary offerings of fruit, flowers or money, the selling of Mantra is strictly against all spiritual rules.
Neither Mantra, deity nor guru, once chosen, should be changed. There are many paths up the mountain. Perseverance on one alone will bring the aspirant to the top faster than if he were to spread his energies in exploring all the alternative paths.
Sat Namo Adesh, Guruji Ko Adesh, Om Guruji,
Mukhe Brahma Madhye Vishnu Ling Naam Maheshwar Sarvadeva Namaskaram Rudrakshaya Namoh Namah
Use the above Rudraksha SHABAR Mantra for immediate effects. The Rudraksha Mantra can be recited before wearing Rudraksha / Rudraksha Mala and after removing the same.
Sat Namo Adesh, Guruji Ko Adesh, Om Guruji, Mukhe Brahma Madhye Vishnu Ling Naam Maheshwar Sarvadeva Namaskaram Rudrakshaya Namoh Namah. Gaganmandal May Dhundhukara Pataal Niranjan Nirakaar. Nirakaar May Charna Paduka, Charna Paduka May Pindi, Pindi May Vasuk, Vasuk May Kasuk, Kasuk May Kurm, Kurm May Mari, Mari May NaagFani, Alash Purush Nay Bail Kay Seengh Par Rai Thaharahi. Dhiraj Dharm Ki Dhuni Jamai. Vahaan Par Rudraksha Sumer Parvat Par Jamaiye Usme Se Phootay 6 Dali, Ek Gaya Purv, Ek Gaya Dakshin, Ek Gaya Paschim, Ek Gaya Uttar, Ek Gaya Akaash, Ek Gaya Pataal, Usme Lagya Ek Mukhi Rudraksha, Shri Rudra Par Chadaiye. Shri Onkaar Adinath Ji Ko, Do Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Chandra Surya Ko, Teen Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Teen Loko Ko, Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Chaar Vedon Ko. Paanch Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Paanch Pandavo Ko, Chaah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Shat Darshan Ko, Saat Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Sapt Samudro Ko, Astha Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Astha Kuli Nago Ko, NavMukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye NavNaatho Ko, Dash Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Dash Avtaaro Ko, Gyaara Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Gyaara Rudra Ko, Dvaadash Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye (Surya) Baraah Panth Ko, Terah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Tentees Koti Devtao Ko, Chaudhah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Chaudhah Bhuwan (Chaudhah Ratno) Ko, Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Pandrah Thithiyo Ko, Solah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Solah Shringaar Ko, Satraah Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Shri Sita Mata Ko, Attarah Bhaar Vanaspati Ko, Unnees Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Alash Purush Ko, Bees Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Vishnu Bhagwan Ko, Ikkis Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Ikkis Brahamaand Shiv Ko,Nir Mukhi Rudraksha Chadaiye Nirakaar Ko, Itna Rudraksha Mantra Sampurna Bhaya, Shri Nath Ji Kay Charan Kamal May Adesh, Adesh.
Silambam Asia (SILA) is in official partnership with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGS) to preserve and safeguard the Indian traditional arts, sports, cultural, and educational content of Silambam at the international level.
Silambam Asia plays active roles as an international organization for governance and sustainable development in the Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination of all these related information. Thus, it is vital to provide expertise for members by providing training, research, revive, rejuvenate, retain, and restore.
The mission of Silambam Asia as an umbrella organization of the World Silambam Association (WSA) is to provide effective international governance by constantly improving technical rules and regulating Silambam competitions or participation in international events or sporting arenas to be recognized as an Olympic and Paralympic sport in the near future.
Silambam Asia - Introduction
Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination.
Video content with development work, achievements and silambam history.
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