Silambam Mastery
Remedies Headache
Remedies Headache
Published: 14 June 2016 (Tue)
Last Updated: 20 March 2025 04:30 AM (GMT+8)
Bahasa Melayu : Migrain / Malayalam : ചെന്നിക്കുത്ത് (Chennikkuththu) / ഒരിനം തലവേദന (Orinam Thalavedhana) / Telugu : పార్శ్వపు నొప్పి (ParSvapu noppi) / Français : Migraine
Headache Treatment
• Headache refers to any pain or discomfort in and around the head and neck
- Chronic headache could be indicative of an underlying ailment
- The other causes of headache include:
- Stress
- Lack of sleep
- Physical exhaustion
Natural home remedy using green tea and lemon:
1. Take 1 cup warm water
2. Add a green tea bag
3. Squeeze ½ a lemon
4. Mix well
5. Drink for instant relief
Natural home remedy using lemon rind:
1. Separate the rind (outer covering) of 2-3 lemons
2. Chop and crush the lemon rind to make a paste
3. Apply on the forehead for quick relief
Natural home remedy using cinnamon powder:
1. Take 2 tbsp of cinnamon powder
2. Add water to make paste
3. Mix well
4. Apply on the temple and forehead for relief
Natural home remedy using watermelon and sugar:
1. Take 1 glass of watermelon juice
2. Mix 1 tsp sugar in it
3. This relieves headaches caused by heat
- For chronic headaches:
- Drink water mixed with honey every morning
- Drink this on an empty stomach
- Candy sugar (patika bellam/kalaKanḍa) 60 grams
Method to prepare migraine home remedies
Take half litre drinking water into a vessel and add candy sugar to it and keep it for overnight.
Usage of migraine home remedies
Take this content early in the morning daily and don’t take food till one hour.
Benefits of migraine home remedies
You will definitely get relief from migraine pain within one week on continuous usage.
- Myrobalan (usiri) powder 100 grams (fry it with little ghee)
- Belleric myrobalan (tanikaya) powder 100 grams (fry it with little ghee)
- Chebulic myrobalan (Karakkaya) powder 100 grams (fry it with little ghee)
- Candy sugar powder (patika bellam/kalaKanḍa) 100 grams
Method to prepare migraine home remedy
Mix all the above said ingredients thoroughly and store them in a glass bottle.
Usage of migraine home remedy
Take half tea spoon powder daily in the morning and evening.
Benefits of migraine home remedy
Body excess heat will be reduced. All the nerves in head work properly and migraine pain will be eliminated with in 45 days.
Ingredients (vishwamithra oil)
- Sesame (nuvvulu) oil 200 grams
- Dry ginger (sonthi) powder 20 grams
- Liquorice root (Athimadhura) powder 20 grams
- Orris (vasa) powder 20 grams
Method to prepare natural remedies for migraine headache
1. Take sesame oil in a bowl and boil it on light flame.
2. Now add all the above said powders individually into it by stirring them slowly.
3. Boil the mixture till the foam disappears, later remove it. And store it after it gets cooled.
Usage of natural remedies for migraine headache
Apply warm oil on the scalp for every 3 days. And don’t sleep in the day time after applying oil.
Benefits of natural remedies for migraine headache
Migraine pain will be resolved completely on continuous usage.
- Bees wax 100 grams
- Vishwamithra oil 100 grams
Method to prepare home remedies for migraine headaches
1. Take the above said ingredients into a vessel and keep it on light flame, stir it until it become like a paste or cream.
2. Store it after cooling for some time.
Usage of home remedies for migraine headaches
Apply this balm on the head region.You can use this balm for any pains.
Benefits of home remedies for migraine headaches
Migraine pain will be resolved in few minutes.Use this balm until the problem resolves completely.
- Coconut water
- Milk
- Pure cow ghee
Method to prepare remedies for migraine
Take equal amounts of above said ingredients into a vessel and boil it on light flame until only ghee remains in the vessel. Later filter it and store the ghee.
Usage of remedies for migraine
Fill the ghee in a dropper bottle and add 3 drops in nostrils and take deep breathe.
Benefits of remedies for migraine
You will get relief from migraine headache problem immediately.
- Pure cow ghee 100 grams
- Basil seed leaves (sabja)
Method to prepare migraine headache home remedies
Take the cow ghee into a vessel and add one palm full basil seed leaves to it,boil it till the leaves gets blackened. Filter it and store the ghee.
Usage of migraine headache home remedies
Fill the ghee in a dropper bottle and add 3 drops in nostrils and take deep breathe. Do this half an hour before taking food.
Benefits of migraine headache home remedies
You will get relief from all types of headache problems including migraine pain immediately.
Silambam Asia (SILA) is in official partnership with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGS) to preserve and safeguard the Indian traditional arts, sports, cultural, and educational content of Silambam at the international level.
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