Silambam Mastery
Remedies Piles
Remedies Piles
Piles - Hemorrhoids
Published: 14 June 2016 (Tue)
Last Updated: 20 March 2025 04:30 AM (GMT+8)
Bahasa Melayu : Buasir / Malayalam : മൂലക്കുരു (Moolakkuru) / Telugu : మూల వ్యాధి / మూలవ్యాధి (Muulvyaadhi) / Français : Hémorroïdes
Piles - Hemorrhoids Treatment
Piles (Hemorrhoids): • Piles is a result of inflammation of veins around the rectum • Symptoms depend on which veins are affected Symptoms to look for: • If internal veins get infected, then there is no discomfort • If external veins are infected, then one experiences pain while passing stool • Presence of lumps around the anal opening • Itching and irritation • Blood in stool Causes: • Conditions which cause increased pressure on veins around the anus: • Chronic constipation • Diarrhoea • The weight of the foetus and increase in blood flow during pregnancy • Heavy weight-lifting jobs • Excessive consumption of spices and condiments Natural home remedy using radish: 1. Crush 1 radish 2. Add some milk to make a thick paste 3. Mix well 4. Apply around the anal opening 5. Wash off after 15 min 6. Repeat 2 times a day Natural home remedy using cumin seeds: 1. Take 1 tbsp cumin seed powder 2. Add water to make a thick paste 3. Mix well 4. Apply on the affected area 5. Leave for 15 min 6. Wash off with water 7. Do this 2 times a day Natural home remedy using ginger and mint leaves: 1. Crush some ginger (1 inch piece) and make a paste 2. Crush a handful of mint leaves and make a paste 3. Take 1 tsp ginger paste 4. Add 2 tsp mint leaves' paste 5. Mix well 6. Press the paste on a sieve and extract its juice 7. Add 2 tsp lemon juice to it 8. Add 1 tsp honey 9. Mix well 10. Consume 2 times a dayNatural Treatment For Piles (Hemorrhoids)
Piles refer to the venal inflammation located near the anal passage. With its location either on internal or external side of the anal cavity; piles are marked by bleeding, irritation and extreme discomfort in passing bowels. Generally caused by faulty diet and genetic tendencies; constipation and piles are inter related, with one aggravating the condition of other.
There are effective home remedies which serve to reduce the painful symptoms of piles, apart from helping to flush clear the system of all its toxins.
Piles home remedies & natural treatment • Herbal cure for piles
■ Banana is known to be a good laxative; but boiled bananas consumed twice a day is one of the effective home remedies for piles. Make sure to have ripe bananas boiled.
■ Glass of butter milk made out of sour curd with a dash of lime and rock salt is also effective to cure the symptoms of piles.
■ Homemade curd with a dash of mustard powder is also effective in curing the conditions of piles.
■ A concoction made out of ginger, honey, sweet lime and mint is also effective in keeping the system cool and free from toxins.
■ Juice made out of radish is another of the natural options whereby you are able to flush out your system; thereby minimizing the painful discomforts of piles. Regular consumption of the juice varying between one forth to half a cup will prove to be effective.
■ Equally effective is the juice of turnip leaves in curing the conditions of piles.
■ Sometimes an enema prepared with warm water boiling neem leaves and that of wheat grass may be administered to patients suffering from piles so as to clean the system of all its wastes.
■ For people suffering from piles, it is advisable that they go for whole grain cereals rather than the refined ones. Gruel of the boiled rice in addition to ripe banana and curd is one of the wholesome nutrients.
■ Crushed leaves of bitter gourd are also one of the homemade ways whereby you can treat piles naturally.
■ Roasted and powdered seeds of cumin with half tea spoonful being added to water also serve as a healthy option for protecting harmful effects of piles.
■ Juice of onion added to water with dashes of sugar also proves to be a healthy option.
■ Powdered seeds of mango serve as another remedial option if taken with honey.
■ Application of baking soda on the swollen veins also serves to reduce inflammation.
■ Juice extracted from carrot and beet root may be applied on a long piece of gauze to be applied on the swollen veins.
■ Even blanched passion fruit is helpful if four milligrams of the same is applied along with the water blanching it.
■ Application of warm olive oil is said to be equally effective.
■ Consumption of juice extracted out of aloe also serves to reduce the painful swelling of piles.
■ A decoction made out of neem leaves enriched with its anti septic content; in addition to that of honey and half a cup of butter milk is also effective.
■ Milk enriched with drops of latex of banyan is also beneficial if consumed regularly.
■ Juice extracted from flowers of tamarind also serves to heal piles if consumed internally.
■ Blackberries or for that matter any forms of berries and grapes are beneficial from the point of view of curing piles. Apart from aiding free passage of bowels; berries serve to cure with its anti inflammatory properties.
■ Certain vegetables such as papaya, cabbage and colcasia are beneficial from the point of view of patients afflicted with piles.
■ Besides the anti septic value of neem leaves; its flowers are also similarly effective in treating piles.
■ It is important that patients afflicted with piles go for diet oriented towards fruits and vegetable. Besides banana and other mentioned varieties; consumption of date is also another healthy option.
■ A decoction made out of pepper, fennel and honey is also beneficial with equal measures of pepper, fennel being mixed in three hundred grams of honey.
■ It is advisable for patients down with piles that they consume six to eight glasses of water daily to aid free movement of bowel.
■ Similarly food enriched with spices and chilies should be avoided because the similar would aggravate the conditions of piles. Artificially flavored food containing preservatives should also be done away with.
■ According to the traditionally held belief soaked basil in a glass of water is one of the best remedial options if the water soaking about five basil leaves is drunk after thirty minutes of soaking.
■ For instantaneous relief from pain, soaking in luke warm water may prove to be comfortable.
Despite having a wide range of homemade natural options; it is imperative that the persistence of conditions of pain and swelling will need the expert opinion of a physician.
Hemorrhoid Natural Treatment - Home Remedy for Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids which may be internal or external refer to the swollen inflamed veins in and around the anal cavity. While internal ones are located inside; the external ones are found on the outer surface. Both forms of hemorrhoids lead to bleeding after the passage of bowel, a feeling of discomfort and fullness. In extreme cases when hemorrhoids tend to prolapse; it is accompanied by pain, irritation which intensifies on straining.
Given below are natural treatments for Hemorrhoids. These are very effective home remedies for Hemorrhoids.
Home Remedy for Hemorrhoids - Natural Hemorrhoids Cure
■ As straining leads to pain and discomfort to minimize the concerned effects steps should be taken to soften stool and loosen up bowel movements. Diet high in fiber content can ensure substantial relief. Apart from going for whole grains, bran and green and leafy vegetables; in extreme cases fiber supplements in flaxseeds and psyllium may be opted for. The husks available in powder form may be added to a glass of water so that the entire content may be drunk. Powdered husks aid significantly in relaxing bowel movements.
■ Patient suffering from piles should insist on diet based on fruits and vegetable; with minimum use of oil and spices. Bakery items based on refined flour and pastas should be avoided.
■ Items such as prunes, peas, beans, papaya, apples, nuts, raisins, whole grains and oranges have been found conducive to the treatment of piles.
■ Certain medicinal herbs with their anti inflammatory and astringent qualities serve to relieve pain and itching. They are available either in forms of ointment, or in forms of capsule. Thus topical as well as internal intake will prove to be relieving. An herb by the name of ‘Chebulic Myroblan’ is not only an effective astringent but also aids to cure constipation. Having roasted the fruit in a little bit of oil; it can be preserved in powdered form. Half a spoon of the same before packing off to bed will not only aid the movements of bowel; but will also serve to be healing from the point of view of piles. A common anti septic tree by the name of ‘neem’ can prove to be equally effective.
■ Topical application of calendula and consumption of 'triphala' – (an herbal tonic) prove to be quite effective. Application of soothing and cool gelling mixture particularly the one based on the herb of ‘witch hazel’ has been found to be very effective. Witch hazel is endowed with natural qualities that serve against inflammation; adding to it a touch of relief.
■ Sufficient amount of water should be taken to flush out the toxins.
■ Fluid intakes should be increased. Apple and cranberry juices are found to be very effective.
■ Taking warm showers in water enriched with few drops of eucalyptus oil may prove to be equally relieving.
■ Application of apple vinegar to the affected are helps to kill the irritation and painfulness.
■ Powder of sun dried seeds of mangoes also serves to reduce painfulness and swelling; if consumed twice a day.
■ Consumption of medicinally effective rose apple serves to cure the terrors of bleeding hemorrhoids.
■ Dry figs soaked overnight in water may be consumed next morning along with the water soaking it. The formula will play an effective role in easing bowels thereby reducing the pile's exposure to straining.
■ A decoction consisting of two table spoons of grated radish along with a tea spoonful of honey also serves a useful purpose in reducing inflammation and pain; if consumed at least two times regularly.
■ Juices of spinach, carrot and leaves of turnip equally have important roles to play. Apart from being mild and soothing in nature they provide the much needed roughage; which has an important role to play in the treatment of piles.
■ The combined mixture of buttermilk and leaves of bitter gourd also proves to be an effective natural remedy in the treatment of piles.
■ Another homemade decoction may be made by mixing equal measures of lime, mint, and ginger with one table spoon of honey as a curative against piles.
■ Sweetmeats made out of sesame seeds are said to be effective for piles which bleed. They can also be taken in the form of drink; after boiling the same in water. The inherently healing quality of sesame seed proves to be relieving.
■ Similarly effective is the juice made out of wheat grass. Apart from acting as a laxative, it also ensures detoxification.
■ Exercising insisting on adequate supply of blood circulation throughout the body should also be opted for.
■ Apart from adopting a dietary regimen focusing on high fiber content and reduced fat and spicy elements; equal insistence should be given on avoiding caffeine, alcohol and carbonated drinks and junk food. One should adopt a fixed schedule for regular cleansing of bowels.
In severe cases of painless bleeding and irritation medical help should be taken.
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