Silambam Mastery

Remedies Pregnant Getting Pregnant

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Remedies Pregnant Getting Pregnant.

Remedies Pregnant Getting Pregnant

Getting Pregnant

    Created by: Guruji Murugan Chillayah.
    Published: 14 June 2016 (Tue)
    Last Updated: 20 March 2025 04:30 AM (GMT+8)

Getting Pregnant Treatment

Female Sterility (Infertility):

• Female sterility or infertility refers to a condition in which a woman is unable to conceive
• Ability to conceive reduces with age. Women find it difficult to get pregnant after 35 years of age

Symptoms to look for:

• Irregular menstrual cycle


• Ageing
• Being overweight or underweight
• Excessive smoking
• Alcohol consumption
• Illicit drugs
• Endometriosis
• Any blockage in the fallopian tubes

Natural home remedy using banyan tree bark and milk:

1. Take a small piece of banyan tree bark, available in Ayurvedic stores
2. Wash thoroughly
3. Remove the outer-covering
4. Leave the bark in the sun for 1 hr
5. Crush it to a powder
6. Take 2 tbsp of this powder
7. Add to 1 glass of lukewarm milk
8. Mix well
9. Drink on an empty stomach
10. Do this for 6 months. NOTE: Do not try this remedy during periods.

Natural home remedy using shatavari powder and milk:

1. Take 1 tbsp of shatavari powder, an Ayurvedic herb
2. Add to 1 glass of milk
3. Mix well
4. Drink every day at bedtime

Natural home remedy using ashwagandha powder:

1. Take 1 glass of warm water
2. Add 1 tbsp of ashwagandha powder, an Ayurvedic herb
3. Mix well
4. Drink 2 times a day
5. Add honey for taste


• Consult your doctor before eating seafood. Fish contain mercury which can lead to birth defects
• Avoid consuming caffeine. It is present in tea and coffee
• Avoid consuming fast food, drinking alcohol and smoking

Tips for Getting Pregnant - Natural Ways to Get Pregnant

Getting Pregnant

Pregnancy giving way to motherhood is always eagerly anticipated by women or couples planning for family. Childbirth following conception is looked forward to with eager fondness. However not all planning for it is likely to be equally successful. While for some conception may take place with relative ease; there are others who may have to counter endless difficulties on their way to it. The difficulty in conceiving may be attributed to physiological and psychological reasons. There are treatments to cater to various kinds of infertility; in addition to specialized treatment certain home oriented natural remedies may also be resorted to as a supplementary course of action.

16 Tips to Get Pregnant Fast

The tips to get pregnant given below are some effective ways to get pregnant fast and are natural ways of getting pregnant.

■ Since zygote formation basically depends on the union of egg with sperm; it is important to bear in mind as to when the chance of fusion is the highest. Thus planning your sexual activity accordingly may prove to be rewarding. Midway between women's menstrual cycle ovulation generally takes place. By virtue of it egg is released from ovary- one of the most vital constituents of the reproductive system. The egg so released can be fertilized only in a day's time of twenty four hours; whereas man's sperm is potentially capacitate to stay active over a period more than forty eight to seventy two hours. So sexual activity must be so planned that it takes place at least seventy two hours before ovulation.

■ Women can easily keep a tab on their ovulation by maintaining a temperature chart. Usually around the time of ovulation there is a spike in the temperature of women.

■ Stress and strain has significant role to play in respect of reproductive cycle including ovulation and menstruation. So if you are planning to get pregnant see to it that your partner as well as you are calm and collected.

■ Avoid having sex too often to keep up the quality of sperm production. It is always a wiser option to plan it after every two days, but ensure that you do not miss out the time of ovulation. Besides this, it is advisable that men ejaculate after every two to three days.

■ Diet, weight, physical fitness and lifestyle have direct bearing on pregnancy. This holds true for both men and women. Both underweight and overweight may be exposed to the risk of infertility on account of difficulties in ovulation. So optimum importance should be given to body weight. One should opt for balanced diet, regular work out and exercises.

■ Even women prone to strenuous workouts and athleticism may have difficulty in getting pregnant. So in case you are exercising to get rid of your excess fat, it should be moderate without involving a crash diet.

■ Drugs, medication and alcohol should also be avoided as they also give rise to hormonal problems leading to infertility.

■ Besides opting for wholesome food with adequate contents of proteins, minerals and vitamins; it is said that cherry boosts fertility. With a cup full of milk one teaspoonful cherry paste or powder may be added.

■ It is worth mentioning in this context that extracts of grape seeds in addition to any other forms of Vitamin C play pertinent roles in pregnancy. Cervical mucus or the fluid content thereof has an important role to play in facilitating the motility of sperm. Both Vitamin C and grape seeds add to the water content of the cervical mucus. Apart from opting for fruits enriched with Vitamin C sufficient amount of water should also be taken because the fluid intake has an indirect repercussion on the quality of cervical mucus.

■ It has also been claimed by gynecologists and infertility specialists that reduced intake of caffeine improves the chances of fertility. Same is true for drinking and smoking.

■ Certain herbs like evening primrose and ginseng are associated with fertility. Apart from maintaining a balance in menstrual cycle and ovulation; they also add to the sperm production in men. Ginseng can be had in forms of tea or that of capsule by couple trying to conceive.

■ Women trying for pregnancy should include in their diet certain special carbohydrates and iron enriched items. Though carbohydrate is a necessity, the ones with a low ‘glycemic index’ should be insisted upon such as bran, brown rice and bread. Leafy vegetables such as spinach, the greens including different forms of beans, and fruits such as apricots and raisins should be included to assist a therapy intended at overcoming hormonal or those related to ovulation.

■ Apart from necessary supplements in Vitamins, Zinc supplements are also known for boosting sperm counts.

■ It is also advisable for men that they avoid taking hot showers and refrain from wearing tight underclothes as these have negative bearings on sperm production.

■ Testes should be kept cool and sexual position preferably with men on top may be so heightened that maximum semen can penetrate.

■ Lastly, couples opting for pregnancy should relax and enjoy each other's company as worries and anxiety prove detrimental to pregnancy.

Ayurvedic for stress free pregnancy and effortless delivery

Obstetrics and gynecology are the terms referring to medical and surgical practices associated with female reproductive organs and reproductive process. Gynecology includes treatments and medication right from pre -pregnancy medication to post delivery care. Today with the advancement of modern medicine, gynecology has become a well developed stream of medicine. But, even before gynecology was accepted as a medical practice, similar treatment methods were prevailed among many folk medicinal practices and especially in Ayurveda. Ayurvedic has well defined procedures and medications under obstetrics and gynecology. These practices include infertility treatments, pre-pregnancy care, delivery procedures and post-delivery care. These practices are aimed at a less-complicated delivery and healthy mother and child.

Ayurveda is called 'Ashtanga Ayurvedic' as Ayurvedic has divided its treatment protocols under eight sub categories. Gynecology which is known as 'Prasutitantra' is one among the eight branches and is one of the most researched branches in Ayurveda treatments. 'Prasutitantra' is not just limited to pregnancy treatments alone, but also suggests the best timings for consuming, nutritious food for healthy mother and child, changes in lifestyle in each month of pregnancy etc.

Preparing a woman for pregnancy

Pregnancy is, of course, a wonderful experience. A woman has to prepare mentally and physically to have jovial pregnancy and less-complicated delivery. Ayurvedic suggests several ways of preparing a woman for pregnancy. Ayurvedic being a treatment method primarily of herbal medicines, even gynecology has to do a lot with natural ingredients and medications. There are medications to control hormonal imbalances and also to promote nutrition and health. It is scientifically proved that hormone levels play a vital role in the reproductive health of a woman. Thus, controlling and balancing hormone levels, many of the pregnancy disorders and discomforts could be brought under control. Through yoga and meditation a women can achieve peaceful and stress-free mind set during pregnancy thus promoting the mental health of the baby. Pre-pregnancy treatments and medications are limited to controlling stress and promoting healthy and nutritious lifestyle. Other medicines are prescribed only if the woman is suffering from any severe health condition.

Pregnancy care in Ayurveda

Ayurvedic has detailed all the developments of the embryo in the uterus and also the physical changes the mother undergoes at each stage of pregnancy. The general pregnancy is described in 'Pregnancy Vyakaran'. Similarly, the development of the fetus is mentioned in 'Garbhavakranti'. Ayurvedic believes that a women at the late stages of pregnancy should be considered as with one feet on the earth and the other one on the world of 'Yama'. This statement literally indicates the importance of extreme care during the final stages of pregnancy to save mother and baby from death. A slight negligence may be fatal on the life of mother and baby. The first three months and the last three are most important stages of pregnancy and special care and medication is required at these months. Pregnancy is divided into four stages by Ayurvedic. These stages are named Prajayini, Upasthita Prasava, Prajayi Syamana and Apara Patana. Each stage has to follow its own lifestyle and medications for healthy pregnancy.

Pregnancy related diseases

The nutritious needs double during pregnancy as the mother has to supply to the baby also. Thus the chances of getting affected with diseases also are doubled. The most common disorders and ailments found during pregnancy are nausea, anorexia, vomiting, fever, edema, anemia, diarrhea and retention of urine. During pregnancy female body may become subject to all sort of infections and ailments. Ayurvedic suggests neat and clean lifestyle and healthy food habits to stay away from all sorts of infections and diseases. Ayurvedic prescribes medications and procedures for all the pregnancy related ailments and discomforts. Being a curative therapy, Ayurvedic gives more importance to stay away from infections rather treating them after getting affected with.

Effortless Delivery

Ayurvedic suggests certain medicines and practices to lead to an effortless delivery. These medicines will help the necessary hormones to be generated at the proper levels. In fact, Ayurvedic has defined different set of medicines for each month of pregnancy. Hormones like oxytocin and prostaglandins help safe and natural labor. Certain practices and medications improve such hormones in the body. Some of these Ayurvedic practices also help in easy contraction of muscles during delivery and also maintaining the proper blood pressure.

    NOTE : The intention of this article is only for information. It is not a substitute to any other standard medical diagnosis. For proper treatment, always consult a qualified Ayurvedic physician.

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