Silambam Mastery
Remedies Ringworm
Remedies Ringworm
Published: 14 June 2016 (Tue)
Last Updated: 29 June 2024 04:30 AM (GMT+8)
Bahasa Melayu : not_available / Malayalam : not_available / Telugu : సిలాంబం / Français : not_available
Ringworm Treatment
• Ringworm is a common skin disease • It's caused by fungal growth on the skin • Ringworm is a contagious condition Symptoms to look for: • Round or oval patches • Itching Causes: • Scratching spreads infection to other parts of the body • It spreads through contact of utilising articles of infected people • Risk of ringworm increases in: o Warm and humid condition o If one has a weak immune system Natural home remedy using papaya: 1. Raw papaya is an effective remedy for ringworm 2. Separate the seeds from the papaya 3. Dry the seeds in the sun for 4-5 hr 4. Crush the dried seeds 5. Add little water to make a paste 6. Apply on the infected area 7. Do this 2-3 times a day • Rubbing papaya on the infection is also useful. Rub it for 10-15 min, 3 times a day Natural home remedy using mustard seeds: 1. Take 1 tsp of crushed mustard seeds 2. Add little water to make a paste 3. Apply on affected area 4. Wash after 60 min with lukewarm water Natural home remedy using basil leaves: 1. Crush some basil leaves 2. Press the paste on a sieve and extract its juice 3. Take 2 tsp of this juice 4. Apply on the infected area using cottonSilambam Asia plays active roles as an international organization for governance and sustainable development in the Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination of all these related information. Thus, it is vital to provide expertise for members by providing training, research, revive, rejuvenate, retain, and restore.
The mission of Silambam Asia as an umbrella organization of the World Silambam Association (WSA) is to provide effective international governance by constantly improving technical rules and regulating Silambam competitions or participation in international events or sporting arenas to be recognized as an Olympic and Paralympic sport in the near future.
Silambam Asia - Introduction
Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination.
Video content with development work, achievements and silambam history.