Silambam Mastery

Remedies Tinnitus

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Remedies Tinnitus.

Remedies Tinnitus


    Created by: Guruji Murugan Chillayah.
    Published: 14 June 2016 (Tue)
    Last Updated: 20 March 2025 04:30 AM (GMT+8)

Tinnitus Treatment


• Tinnitus refers to a ringing or buzzing sound in the ears Symptoms to look for:

• Buzzing noise in the ears • It can cause: o Bad sleep o Lack of concentration Causes:

• Damage to the nerve endings of the inner ear • This damage is caused by: o Ageing o Exposure to loud noise o Foreign matter or wax in the ear o Allergies o High or low blood pressure o Diabetes o Neck injury o Head injury o Certain medication, which includes sedatives, anti-depressants, aspirin, etc. Natural home remedy using basil leaves:

1. Take a handful of basil leaves 2. Crush them to a paste 3. Press this paste on a sieve 4. Extract the juice 5. Heat till lukewarm 6. Put 2 drops in the affected area 7. Repeat 2 times everyday Natural home remedy using onions:

1. Slice and crush 1 onion to make a paste 2. Press the paste on a sieve 3. Extract the juice 4. Pour 2 drops in the affected ear Tips:

• Eat pineapples regularly • Eat 7-8 almonds every day, followed with 1 glass of warm milk
    NOTE : The intention of this article is only for information. It is not a substitute to any other standard medical diagnosis. For proper treatment, always consult a qualified Ayurvedic physician.

Silambam Asia (SILA) is in official partnership with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN-SDGS) to preserve and safeguard the Indian traditional arts, sports, cultural, and educational content of Silambam at the international level.

Silambam Asia plays active roles as an international organization for governance and sustainable development in the Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination of all these related information. Thus, it is vital to provide expertise for members by providing training, research, revive, rejuvenate, retain, and restore.

The mission of Silambam Asia as an umbrella organization of the World Silambam Association (WSA) is to provide effective international governance by constantly improving technical rules and regulating Silambam competitions or participation in international events or sporting arenas to be recognized as an Olympic and Paralympic sport in the near future.

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Indian traditional arts and sports for education, health, fitness, culture, nature, climate change, recreation, and dissemination.

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