Silambam Mastery
Remedies Toothache
Remedies Toothache
Published: 14 June 2016 (Tue)
Last Updated: 20 March 2025 04:30 AM (GMT+8)
Bahasa Melayu : Sakit Gigi / Malayalam : not_available / Telugu : సిలాంబం / Français : not_available
Toothache Treatment
Toothache: • Bacteria in the mouth acts on the sugar, which comes as part of diet, to convert it into acid • The acid causes tooth decay and pain Symptoms to look for: • Sharp and shooting pain around the inflamed tooth and the surrounding area • Pain while chewing spoils the appetite • Pain in tooth makes disturbs sleep Causes: • Consuming food rich in carbohydrates and sugar like colas, candies, cakes, etc • Consuming hot and cold food together • Broken tooth • Gum diseases • Cavities Natural home remedy using mustard oil and turmeric powder: 1. Take 1 tsp lukewarm mustard oil 2. Add a pinch of turmeric powder 3. Mix well 4. Apply on the aching tooth 5. Leave for 5 min 6. Gargle with normal water Natural home remedy using lemon juice and asafoetida powder: 1. Take 1 tsp lemon juice 2. Add 1 tsp asafoetida powder 3. Mix well 4. Apply and leave for 5 min 5. Wash mouth with plain water Natural home remedy using coconut oil and cloves: 1. Heat 1 tsp coconut oil 2. Fry 3 cloves in it 3. Allow it to cool down 4. Grind the cloves in the oil, to make paste 5. Apply the mixture on the aching tooth 6. Leave for 10 min 7. Wash it off with plain waterToothache Remedies - Natural Treatment & Home Remedies for Toothache
Almost all of the people of the world have experienced a toothache be it during his growing years or during his old age. We are all afraid of this diabolic pain that nags and tortures us for quite a long time. Toothache ranges from mild to less severe. But what causes toothache? Toothache is the pain of the teeth or in and around it. A toothache can be caused by various conditions like the dental cavity, crack in the tooth, and disease of the gum or disorder in the joint of the jaw. The pain is a heightened when the teeth come in contact with too hot or too cold food or water. Now we all dread a dentist and especially his scary instruments so is there any way to avoid going to a dentist? Well the natural remedies are at hand.
Given below are natural treatments for toothache. These are very effective home remedies for toothache and it provides immediate relief for toothache.
Toothache Home Remedies and Natural Treatment for Immediate Relief
■ Garlic as a remedy for toothache – garlic is called the elixir of the world and among its vast benefits the toothache reducing or curing property is laudable. A clove of garlic and rock salt placed on the area affected is beneficial. One clove can also be internally consumed by chewing daily for strong denture.
■ Onion as a home remedy for toothache – the anti bacterial properties of the onion plays the vital role in reducing toothache. Consuming onion by chewing for at least three minutes is very effective in killing the germs in mouth that cause toothache. Placing a small sized onion on the affected area can cure toothache. Since it is rich in sodium vitamin E and vitamin B12 is also good to be included in daily diet.
■ Lime as a toothache remedy – The vitamin C in lime not only prevents tooth decay but also helps in controlling toothache. Caries, bleeding gums and even loose tooth can be cured by lime treatment. Consuming unpeeled lime is better option.
■ Amla or gooseberry as a toothache remedy - The vitamin C in goose berry not only prevents tooth decay but also helps in controlling toothache. Caries, bleeding gums and even loose tooth can be cured by Amla treatment.
■ Wheat grass treatment for toothache - The natural antibiotic agents contained in wheat grass helps fight tooth ache and decay. It protects against attack of bacteria and infections. About three inch wheat saplings can be crushed in a blender and then consumed or can be used as a mouth wash.
■ Asafoetida or Hing as toothache treatment – when asafoetida is grounded and added to lemon juice and thereafter slightly heated and applied on the affected area with a cotton swab which is there after placed in the cavity is a time tested remedy for toothache. Slightly fried asafoetida in clarified butter is also good.
■ Bay Berry remedy – a paste of the bark of the bay berry made with vinegar base is very effective. The paste is applied on the affected area to relieve tooth ache.
■ Clove – even a layman knows that this wonder condiment can relieve toothache quickly and effectively. The oil of clove applied on the cavity is anti septic also.
■ Pepper as a remedy for toothache – a quarter of a teaspoon of salt added to a pinch of pepper dust is an excellent remedy. It cures sensitive tooth, reduce gum bleeding, cures tooth aches and painful gums and the mouth hygiene in peak condition. Mixed with clove oil it can also be applied.
■ Ice massage – amazing though it might seem massaging the area in the middle of the forefinger and the thumb gently and for few minutes is an effective remedy for toothache. This acts as a nerve blocker and an anesthetic agent.
■ The oil of Oregano is again effective remedy against toothache – the antimicrobial property in oregano helps cure toothache as well as tooth decay.
■ Common salt – a simple mouth wash using common salt is a very effective remedy against toothache. Thorough and proper rinsing of the complete mouth is essential.
■ Liquor as a remedy against tooth ache – sock a wad of cotton wool in brandy and place it on the affected tooth. Gum can also be numbed with a hurried swallow of whisky after it has been held in the mouth for some times.
■ A triphala and Cyprus decoction can be used for gargling to reduce severe toothache.
■ A mixture of honey and ghee when applied on the affected area does the wonder of reducing toothache.
■ Chewing the root of the rosebay of the east Indian type also reduces toothache.
■ Munching of the leafy green vegetables does wonders in toothache. If continued daily it prevents toothache also.
With all such natural remedies available at hand it will be quite foolish to take the help of allopathic cure and torture one's body unnecessarily. Thus one must resort to natural cure for toothache first and then if required go for allopathic cure.
A toothache, also known as odontalgia or, less frequently, as odontalgy, is an aching pain in or around a tooth.
■ Dental etiology, In most cases toothaches are caused by problems in the tooth or jaw, such as
• Dental caries
• Pulpitis, an inflammation of the dental pulp. This can be either reversible or irreversible. Irreversible pulpitis can be identified by sensitivity and pain lasting longer than fifteen seconds, although an exception to this may exist if the tooth has been recently operated on. Teeth affected by irreversible pulpitis will need either root canal treatment or extraction of the tooth.
• A special condition is barodontalgia, a dental pain evoked upon changes in barometric pressure, in otherwise asymptomatic but diseased teeth.
• Periodontitis
• Wisdom teeth
• Cracked tooth
• Dry socket, which is a condition arising after having one or more teeth extracted (especially mandibular wisdom teeth).
• Some causes of toothache are the more obvious culprits such as a cracked tooth, filling or veneer, dental caries from eating acidic, sweet foods that corrode the fillings and the tooth's protective enamel layer. This corrosion is caused from the bacteria that are present on the teeth which break down the sugars in refined foods and then excrete them in the form of acids, which then eat away at the protective enamel of the tooth, causing a cavity, infection and eventually toothache.
• Tightening of Dental braces.
■ Non-dental etiology
• Trigeminal neuralgia
• Cytotoxic chemotherapy-induced neuropathy
• Atypical odontalgia is a form of toothache present in apparently normal teeth, or which persists after the supposedly offending tooth has been removed. Some sources consider atypical odontalgia to be a sub-type of atypical facial pain, although others treat them as the same entity. The pain, generally dull, often moves from one tooth to another for a period of 4 months to several years. The cause of atypical odontalgia is not yet clear, and many different theories have been proposed, including theories that the pain is psychogenic in nature. Some form of nerve deafferentation is plausible, but it is likely that AFP and atypical odontalgia are in truth umbrella terms for a collection of multiple different causes of pain which have not been properly diagnosed or are not yet fully understood.
• Referred pain of angina pectoris or a myocardial infarction.
The severity of a toothache can range from a mild discomfort to excruciating pain, which can be experienced either chronically or sporadically. This pain can often be aggravated somewhat by chewing or by hot or cold temperature. An oral examination complete with X-rays can help discover the cause. Severe pain may be considered a dental emergency.
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